3 Benefits of Upgrading Your City's Wooden Utility Poles

3 Benefits of Upgrading Your City’s Wooden Utility Poles

Wooden utility poles have long been a standard issue in cities and rural areas alike. They are easy to acquire and install, and utility companies are experienced with installing their lines and bracing on this familiar material. However, there are some reasons that urban areas in particular should look in a different direction. Moving away from wooden utility poles can provide a number of benefits to the community both now and in the future. Here are three reasons why you should consider upgrading your city’s wooden utility poles.

1- Improved Worker Safety

Wooden utility poles always draw the attention of people trying to advertise. Notices of concerts, missing dogs, items for sale, political campaigns, and countless other purposes appear on wooden utility poles almost as soon as they are installed. While the presence of the signs has minimal effect on the condition of the pole, it does pose a safety hazard to any lineman who needs to climb the pole.

That is because the staples, nails, and other items used to secure the sign or flyer to the post interfere with the worker’s ability to get a good foothold with the metal climbing spikes that they strap around their boots. If those spikes don’t dig into the wood deeply enough, the worker could fall and be injured. Working on steel poles is a much safer option.

2- Reduced Waste Creation

Wooden utility poles may have a service life of up to 40 years. That reflects excellent durability, but it leaves out the question of what is done with the poles when that time is up. The answer is that they typically become pollutive hazardous waste. We don’t think of wooden materials in that way because most wood can decompose without a problem. Utility poles are treated with chemicals that slow decay, which means they cannot simply be left to rot like ordinary brush.

On the other hand, steel utility poles create no such pollution. They must eventually be replaced just like wooden poles, but unusable steel utility poles can be recycled for other purposes and will not become waste. This is a great way for your community to go green.

3- Diminished Greenhouse Gas Accumulation

Speaking of going green, we have to think about the process of making utility poles. The trees that are cut to make utility poles are many years old and large enough to make a significant impact on greenhouse gases by consuming carbon dioxide and generating oxygen. When these trees are felled for use as poles, those helpful processes end, creating a bare piece of ground that takes years to start helping the atmosphere.

Steel poles require some energy to manufacture, but they never take away our ability to lessen the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Cities can only do so much about the pollution created by manufacturing and congested traffic, so it’s a real boost for the environment if they can at least reduce the number of trees that are cut to create the many utility poles needed to distribute electricity, phone, and data to their inhabitants and workers.