Shazia Nathoo
Shazia Nathoo

Shazia Nathoo: Registered Dietitian And CEO Specializing In Nutrient Analysis Tools

Shazia Nathoo has enjoyed a remarkable level of success in her career. She is the CEO of Axxya Systems, which is the creator of the Nutritionist Pro™ family of applications. We hear all about Nutritionist Pro™, as well as Shazia’s experience in the industry.

Nutrition Is Key

Individuals around the world constantly struggle with their nutrition.

Far too often, people spend countless hours looking for the ‘magic diet’, or strenuously try to stick to their diets, only to give up after a short period of time.

Some stay disciplined for a while but starve themselves of adequate nutrition, only to quickly get fed up and return to overeating.

Everyone wants to feel better about themselves. Everyone wants to feel healthier. Everyone wants to have more energy throughout the day.

The key to all of this is a solid diet, with a range of quality nutrition, and one which individuals can stick to.

People often just need a helping hand to ensure they achieve success with their nutrition – and that is where Axxya Systems can help.

Axxya Systems is the creator of the Nutritionist Pro™ family of applications. Nutritionist Pro™ products provide thorough nutrient analysis of food labels, diets, menus and recipes for clients.

Impressive Individual

Shazia Nathoo, CEO of Axxya Systems, is playing a key role in the success of the company.

The registered dietitian and nutritionist specializes in nutrient analysis tools for foods, recipes, diets, menus and more. 

She has over 24 years of experience in nutrition, with the last 21 in nutrition technology, food labels (USA, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong regulations), recipe analysis, diet analysis and more. 

Of course, the pressure on Shazia to deliver is relentless. But she has proved time and time again that she has the capabilities to deliver and thrive in the role.

The teams led by Shazia are tasked with offering sound, valuable, cutting edge technology to clients around the world.

With so much competition in the fast-paced industry, succeeding is by no means an easy task.

But with Shazia’s drive, commitment and passion, success has been the only option.

However, despite all that has been achieved already, Shazia is on a mission to continue delivering and ensuring Nutritionist Pro™ continues to provide a truly exceptional service.

International Consumer Base

Whether you are someone with just one product, just starting a nutrition practice, or have large teams, Nutritionist Pro™ is ready to deliver solutions for your nutrition requirements.

The Nutritionist Pro™ family of products have reached an international consumer base including nutritionists, chefs, hospitals, universities and food manufacturers.

Axxya Systems endeavors to offer its clients around the world the most comprehensive nutrient analysis tools.

Furthermore, along with providing the most comprehensive nutritional data and analysis, it also strives to offer the most unsurpassed customer service in the industry.

Visit for more information about Nutritionist Pro, or visit to connect with Shazia on LinkedIn.