7 Innovative Ways to Help Employees Feel a Part of a Company

Retaining employees is an important part of any business’s success. If you can’t keep your talent, you will never achieve your potential as a business. Instead, you must ensure steps are taken to make employees feel a part of the company. Doing so will lessen turnover and increase employee loyalty. You will not lose your top talent to competitors and will reap the rewards of their continued hard work, learning, and creativity.


1- Implement Employee Engagement Apps


Technology is certainly one way to be more innovative with how you involve employees in the workforce. Thankfully, today, there are many different apps available that can streamline the process of employee engagement in the workplace. These apps can foster teamwork, circulate memos, drive group discussions, and more.


2- Seek Employee Input From Everyone


While it may not seem like that innovative of an idea, many companies simply don’t seek input from every employee. Instead, they ignore what could be a very intuitive insight into their company that could be provided by the differing viewpoints of various employees. Instead, seek out at least some kind of input from every employee, no matter their standing or duration with the company.


3- Implement Brainstorming Sessions


One idea you could implement is to use employee brainstorming sessions to come up with new ideas for marketing, products, promotions, and more. If an employee’s idea is actually utilized, they will certainly feel more involved in the company’s success. Brainstorming can also foster the kind of creativity you would not be able to produce otherwise.


4- Use Digital Collaboration Tools


How employees collaborate with each other can also be made more innovative through the use of digital collaboration tools. Such tools can create a digital workspace that can allow employees to communicate and contribute to products in real time. These tools can also be powered via the cloud, so they can be accessed even while outside of the office.


5- Create a Company Culture Committee


Company culture is something that has a big impact on every employee within an organization. For most employees, company culture may seem like something they have no impact on. However, you can change this via a company culture committee where employees can get involved in crafting the kind of company culture they think can benefit the business.


6- Start a Worker Recognition Program


Employees sometimes don’t feel their efforts are recognized by the companies they work for. Change this by launching an employee recognition program. However, do more than simply put an employee’s name on the wall. Reward employees’ efforts with real praise and even perks if they can be awarded in a fair manner. For example, awarding products from your franchise location may be a good choice.


7- Start a Mentor Program


One thing new employees need is guidance. Without this kind of guidance from established employees with more experience, many employees will not reach their full potential within the organization. This is why starting a formal mentor program within your company is such a great idea.


Overall, this is only a starting list of all the possibilities for making employees feel more involved in the company. Don’t be afraid to come up with your own ideas, especially those more suited to your own industry and company culture.