A Look at Materials That Should Be Transported in a Tank Trailer

A Look at Materials That Should Be Transported in a Tank Trailer

If you pay attention to other vehicles on the road while you drive, you’ll likely notice that tank trailers are everywhere. They’re a critical transportation method for various materials, many of which you may not even know about. Regulations even insist that certain materials only get transported via tank trailers. Here are some of the materials commonly transported by tank trailers.

Gas and Petroleum Products

Road shipments of gas and petroleum products always involve using a tank trailer. Fuel or oil tank trailers may hold up to 8,000 gallons at a time. Liquid propane trailers carry up to 6,000 gallons, and natural gas trailers carry up to 7,000. All require specific hazardous materials permitting to traverse public roads legally. Operators also require safety training and licensing before using such tank trailers.

Dry Bulk Goods

Most people don’t realize tank trailers often carry things other than liquids and gasses. Frequently, they transport dry bulk goods like sugar, flour, and cement. You’ll recognize such trailers by their segmented appearance. They’re also often customized for the specific dry goods they transport. For example, some feature special aeration systems to keep their cargo fresh during transport. Logistics firms frequently rent or lease such tank trailers on an as-needed basis.

Chemical Products

Industrial chemicals like acids, solvents, and pesticides are another frequent cargo for tank trailers. Trailers for such cargo feature added safety equipment like vapor recovery and stability control systems. Those keep the public safe while the trailer operates. They’re also subject to strict weight limits and permitting, with certain cargoes requiring hazardous materials clearances.

Food-Grade Items

Liquid food items are also frequently transported via tank trailers. Dairy farms almost exclusively transport their milk products that way. Also common are fruit juices, corn syrup, and vegetable oils. Food-grade tank trailers feature sanitization systems to keep them clean and prevent the spread of foodborne illness. They also feature quality preservation systems like temperature controls and ventilation equipment.

Potable and Non-Potable Water

Bringing water to locations without a ready supply is another everyday job for tank trailers. Non-potable trailers often bring water to industrial or agricultural sites. Sometimes, they deliver water to fire sites for firefighters to use. The water’s cleanliness and quality aren’t critical in those cases. Therefore, non-potable water trailers have little in the way of sanitization capabilities.

Potable water trailers, by contrast, must always stay clean. They deliver water for use in cooking and direct human consumption. They’re a common site in the aftermath of storms or other natural disasters. To facilitate cleaning, potable tankers feature easy access to their tanks’ interior. They may also feature seamless construction to eliminate crevices for dirt and contamination to hide. Some even have automated cleaning equipment to make sanitization easy.

An Essential Transportation Workhorse

Now that you know the varied cargo tank trailers may carry, their importance should be pretty clear. They’re a key part of the global supply chain, supporting industrial processes and consumer goods supply. So, the next time you see one, salute the transport workhorse you’re sharing the road with.