How The Right Binoculars Can Get You Up Close And Personal With Nature

Nothing beats spending time immersed in nature, and whether you’re lucky enough to live close to the countryside, or have to travel to nearby beauty spots, seeing all of the delights nature has to offer up close, is a real treat. That said, much of the wildlife we may encounter when walking in the countryside, would be impossible to even spot, let alone see up close, without the help of a pair of Celestron Nature DX 8x42mm binoculars.

The perfect pair of binoculars for your needs should have the right degree of magnification, the right capability for gathering light, and the right design for your intended purpose. For instance, if you plan to use your binoculars for birdwatching or observing wildlife, the perfect pair of binoculars would help the scene become magnified, allow enough light in according to the time of day in which you’ll be using them, and have other important features like being compact and light enough to comfortably wear on a strap around your neck or shoulder while hiking, and waterproof. With this in mind, it’s imperative that you sample binoculars before buying them, and even if you order a pair online, most reputable sites will allow you to return them undamaged for a full refund within a certain timeframe, giving you ample opportunity to test them without losing your money should they not be quite right for your needs.

As well as considering all of the features mentioned above, when choosing a pair of binoculars for nature watching, you should also ensure that they feel comfortable as you’re holding them and looking through them (particularly as you may be holding them for prolonged periods). Finally, you should of course take cost into account, too, and carefully consider your budget before making your final selection.

What about magnification?

Try to find a pair of binoculars you like with magnification that’s between 8x to 12x. If you go higher than 12x, you may well encourage unwanted hand movement if not using a tripod, which can make looking through them very uncomfortable. For observing wildlife in areas with dense trees, 8x to 10x should be perfectly okay, while for watching birds and other wildlife on lakes and waterways, 8x to 12x is the better choice.

Generally speaking, when the magnification level increases, the field of view becomes narrower, although it is worth considering that a pair of binoculars with a lower magnification typically gives you a field of view that’s much wider, making it a lot easier to locate an object through the lens. If you were watching birds in motion, for example, having binoculars with a field of view that’s wider can be beneficial, and make observing them a lot simpler.

A tip for wearers of glasses or spectacles

If you need to wear glasses to assist your vision while using binoculars such as the Celestron Nature DX 10x42mm binoculars, try to find a pair with a high-eyepoint, and which offer the user extended relief for the eyes: 15mm or even longer, but with at least 10mm as a minimum, for example.

To get the most out of your immersive experience in nature, invest in good quality binoculars, keeping the above basic guidance in mind when making your choice.Â