The Historical Significance of Challenge Coins

The Historical Significance of Challenge Coins

Simply enough, the challenge coin is a bronze, brass, or zinc alloy medallion designed, customized, minted, and engraved with symbols, inscriptions, and imagery specific to membership in exclusive groups and clubs. These specialized coins vary in size, shape, color, finish, and edging, depending on the deeper meaning and story the organization and its members wish to convey.

According to historical legend, challenge coins represented unity, bonds, achievements, honor, and valor dating back to Ancient Roman soldiers. During the early Roman Empire (1st Century AD) the common soldier would earn around 225 denarii per year, depending on their rank and length of service. However, if an enlisted soldier of the Roman legion showed valor in battle, they were rewarded with a separate coin marked with their specific legion as a bonus. Because these coins were specially minted, legend asserts that many soldiers held onto these coins as a memento instead of spending them on daily life. The practice of rewarding the Roman soldier with a specially minted coin is potentially the earliest example of the challenge coin.

While the Roman challenge coin is speculation, another hypothetical appearance of the challenge coin happened during World War I. It is asserted that a wealthy officer minted and gifted bronze medallions with his flying squadron’s insignia to his men. Legend states one of the young pilots was shot down and captured by the Germans. The Germans allowed the pilot to keep his medallion, which saved his life when a French soldier recognized the insignia and returned the pilot to his unit.

These stories make for great lore; however, the first true military challenge coin is stamped with the date 1812. Legend has it that Colonel “Buffalo Bill” Quinn of the 17th Infantry Regiment had special coins minted for his men during the Korean War. One side of this coin is a buffalo with the year 1812 signifying the year the unit was formed and the other side is the 17th Infantry Patch with the dates 1950-1958 and the word Korea to signify the tour.

Shortly after Colonel Quinn’s challenge coin was struck, Colonel Verne Green embraced the idea of the challenge coin. His coin was struck with the 10th Special Forces Group-A and its motto in 1969. Until the 1980s, his unit maintained the only active challenge coin. Slowly, the challenge coin tradition worked its way into the fabric of the military and is now available in all military units. This special coin has even become a tradition in the US Congress, US Presidents, and everyday organizations such as police departments, fire departments, labor unions, fraternities, NASCAR, NFL, and Eagle Scouts – the list is endless.

Challenge coins are more than a mere piece of decorated metal. They carry with them history, tradition, and a bond between those who possess them. Challenge coins are used as rewards, awards, morale builders, or outstanding service. The significance of the challenge coin cannot be captured by mere words but lies in the culture and passion each challenge coin represents. Choose from traditional challenge coins or design a custom challenge coin that reflects your current military status.