If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you might be wondering what your next steps may be in terms of treatment and possibly legal action. A mesothelioma diagnosis can be shocking, and if you’re not quite sure what to do next, this article will help.
Get your official diagnosis first
The first thing you’ll need to do is get an official diagnosis. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that spreads fast, so don’t waste any time. If you suspect but aren’t certain you have mesothelioma, find a specialist in your area as soon as possible. Don’t rely on your existing physician for a diagnosis because non-specialists tend to misdiagnose. The problem is that common mesothelioma symptoms are identical to less severe illnesses, like colds and pneumonia. The likelihood of getting misdiagnosed is high.
When you see a specialist, they’ll know exactly what questions to ask about your current and past symptoms along with potential sources of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is the only known cause for mesothelioma, but it takes decades for symptoms to become visible so they will dig into your past to look for clues.
Once you have an official diagnosis, you can proceed with treatment and/or a lawsuit.
Get treatment as soon as possible
It’s crucial that you treat mesothelioma as fast as possible. However, by the time you get diagnosed, it will be in the later stages, which makes it harder to treat overall. There are several options for treatment, however, and it’s crucial that you discuss all of those options with a specialist.
Depending on where you have mesothelioma, whether it’s pleural mesothelioma affecting your lungs or another form, your options will generally include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, and tumor treating fields. The sooner you start treatment, the better.
Talk to a mesothelioma attorney
Once you have a formal diagnosis from a qualified mesothelioma specialist, talk to an attorney immediately. You might qualify for compensation for your illness if you can prove that you have mesothelioma and someone/something was accountable. These are case details that only an attorney can know for sure. However, there have been a handful of large settlements for mesothelioma victims.
The average mesothelioma lawsuit settlement ranges between $1 million and $2 million. When cases have gone to trial, verdicts have been between $5 million and $11 million. However, the largest verdict so far has been $250 million
Of course, the amount of money you can get for your case will depend on a variety of factors, including how well you can prove your case and the extent of your illness. If you choose to file a lawsuit and settle out of court, the judgment will be negotiated between the party you sue and your attorney.
If your case goes to trial, it will be left up to a jury to decide your compensation. Juries tend to award high-value verdicts, but it also takes more time, energy, and money to go through a trial. A stronger case has a better chance of winning higher compensation, but only your attorney can advise you regarding a possible case outcome.
Why you should sue for damages
If you’re skeptical about suing someone for your illness, consider that there are several reasons you should file a lawsuit. The most obvious is to recover the funds you need for your medical care. Treatment isn’t cheap, and medical bills can pile up fast. You may also find that your insurance policy won’t cover certain treatments. The sooner you file a lawsuit, the faster you can get access to all of your treatment options without regard for cost.
Another good reason to sue is to pay your household and personal bills and manage financial responsibilities related to your dependents. If you have an elderly parent, a child, or a disabled person in your care that you are financially responsible for, the compensation from a lawsuit will help greatly. Even if you’re still working, your medical bills will likely take all of your income, and it will be hard to pay all of your bills.
Last, when you get compensation, you can put that money aside for your dependents so they have funds after you pass. It’s a difficult thing to have to think about, but it will help you secure their future.
Time is of the essence
Whether you’re just now seeking a diagnosis, starting treatment, or considering filing a lawsuit, don’t wait too long. You need to act fast in any case. Don’t wait to take action, especially when it comes to getting treatment and talking to an attorney.